Was Melanie's 34th Birthday today.It doesn't seem that long ago that I was in hospital having her. Amanda and I went over to Castle Hill RSL and had lunch with Melanie and Jessica. We had a nice day together. I took my camera but didn't take any photos. I am slipping.
My car died again and I had to ring NRMA to come and start me. I need a new battery.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Posted by Rose-Anne at Monday, February 27, 2006 0 comments
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Another chipboard layout. This time I cut squares out ( big and small) , covered them with paper, inked the edges and sanded them again.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Sunday, February 26, 2006 0 comments
Here is a layout I did this weekend using chipboard flowers that I made. It is part of a lesson on chipboard i am going to do soon. I traced around a wooden flower onto the chipboard, cut it out and covered it with pattered paper. I inked and sanded the edges.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Sunday, February 26, 2006 1 comments
I went to Church tonight and feel so glad that I did. I always feel better when I go to Church. Was also good to catch up with a lot of ex-students there. They have grown up and have jobs now. Just before I was to go it poured and it was so heavy I had to wait till it esed before I went. I wasn't going to let some rain stop me.
Coming home I decided to have a soft serve from Hungry Jacks-naughty I know but I just had to have it. I have been good all daya nd thought I deserved it. There was a car in drive through that was taking forever and so i turned my car off-MISTAKE. I couldn't get it to go as my battery is on its way out. I had to phone Brian. Boy, did I get a lecture about being at HJs and getting a soft serve"I thought you were on a diet!" "You are always complaining about your weight and you go and buy this" The statements go on and on-so I wound my windscreen up so i didn't hear anymore. I know he was right but i didn't want to hear him go on and on. Brian was lucky I had just been to church and I was feeling calm otherwise I think he would have gotten an ear full. The most frustrating part of all this is he is right. I need to be stronger.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Sunday, February 26, 2006 0 comments
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
I had a very busy day at school. I wished I had of taken my digital camera to school because my craft group decorated these little boxes and they looked fabulous. I was so impressed. At the same time I am doing scrapbooking with 6 students and they do layouts I have designed. They are doing so good and I am so impressed with them I will have to take my camera next week.
Had a bit of a scare last night. I had to take Amanda to the hospital last night because she wasn't well and her baby hadn't moved all day. After a few hours in hospital and being hooked up to monitors everything seemed to be OK. Was so nice listening to the baby's heartbeat. Not long now. He is due in about 2 weeks. Amanda is getting rather excited and anxious now. Can hardly wait to post baby photos up here. LOL. I was minding Jess on monday night and I told her she would soon have a baby cousin. She asked had it come out already. LOL. She is excited too.
I'm off now as I have another busy day at school tomorrow and need an early night.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Wednesday, February 22, 2006 0 comments
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
A layout I did in the weekend. Very bright and very bold. Melanie doesn't like it. I had fun doing it as i love bright bold colours. I suppose everybody can't like the same thing.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1 comments
Friday 17th February was Jessica's 3rd birthday and we had a family party at our place. When i arrived home from school Mel, Gavin and Jess were waiting for me to come home. We all got in the pool and a lot of fun until I threw a bean bag ball at Jess to make a big splash near her but it hit her in the face instead. I felt so terrible, it upset her so much. We got out of the pool and she opened her presents. At the moment Jess loves skirts so i bought her a winter skirt and top plus I made a hot pink skirt for her and Baby Born to match, plus i bought her a Barbie and a Barbie DVD. We had a lovely bar-be que and cake and had a good night. There were 8 of us here.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Tuesday, February 21, 2006 0 comments
Monday, February 20, 2006
I have been so busy lately. Friday was our swimming carnival at school and I was timekeeper. It was so hot all day, infact it was one of the hottest carnivals I have been to. Had a good day.
Saturday it was crop day at Pecky's and I was running it thisSaturday as Dawn couldn't come.I taught the lesson on masks and also had the shop there. i still managed to get some scrapping in. Was good to catch up with friends.Came home and Brian had dinner cooked for me.
Didn't do much on Sunday besides cleaning.
Monday Debbie came around and so did Jo and Barbara and we cropped all day. Well I didn't-I sorted out the Bazzill cardstock into books for some of the small crops we go to. However, I was stressed because I received 14 phone calls in one day. 14. The last one was at 7 at night. Some were for me and some were for Brian but Brian wasn't here, he was in Sydney going for job interviews. I am so glad I am not in a job that answers the phone all day as it stresses me so much especially when I have lots to do. I don't remember the last time the phone rand so much.Amanda did phone me 4 times but that didn't stress me as I like hearing from her. I think her baby will be born soon. How exciting.
Well i am off to bed now and hopefully will get a few layouts done tomorrow to put on here.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Monday, February 20, 2006 0 comments
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Had a busy day today. Did gardening all morning. This was enjoyable as it was exercise. Brian mulched all my prunings and I spread the mulch around the garden.
I then went shopping-boring. I hate grocery shopping.
Then Brian and I went to the movies and saw Rowan Atkins in "Keeping Mum." I enjoyed it, was light with a story and some humour.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Sunday, February 12, 2006 0 comments
Saturday, February 11, 2006
I went to a camp last year and we had to do something as an altered object. So I made my name tag out of an old coffee tin lid. I had a lot of fun making it. I also made Melanie one.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
A fun layout. The red strap on the bottom of the left page is an old bra strap. It was in good condition and so i decided to use it here. The coloured cardstock with Christmas 2004 was hand done by me. It was white paper to start with.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
A simple layout but I like it as it shows so many expressions. I made the shorts Amanda was wearing. I used to sew most of her clothes back then.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
I tool jessica to the park and captured her playing and enjoying herself. The flowers have been cut from fabric.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
A very simple layout. The bottle caps have been embossed with purple embossing powder. I made this dress for Melanie's wedding in which Amanda was junior bridesmaid. She got to wear the dress a few times before she grew out of it.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
Once again I love these photos of Amanda at playgroup. You probably can't see the frame arounf Amanda on the left is in metal. I cut it out and embossed it and used staz-on in around the edges.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
Chris has challenged us to upload 10 Layouts we have done. Some of the ones i will include are old ones but like Chris they have special meanings to me. Like this one. I can still remember this day -Amanda is now 181/2. She used to always pose for the camera. It is such a battle these days. I have one of these photos framed in my bedroom.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 11, 2006 0 comments
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I have just bought some Heidi Swapp masks and love them. I played with them the other day and can think of heaps more to do. The card I used part of the mask and inks and sewed with the machine. The Layout I painted. The photo was the only photo I took( I know that is hard to believe) when I went to Melbourne last July to visit my friends Ros and Dave. It was a very hard visit as I knew it would be the last time I saw Dave alive. Dave and I went out for dinner the first night I was there while Ros went to bed as she was sick.I will always treasure that night as Dave and I talked and it was nice. He did take a photo of me on his digital and I must get it developed and a special layout done.The next day he developed a headache and was in bed the rest of the holidays.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Tuesday, February 07, 2006 0 comments
A layout I did on Monday whenI was scrapping all day with my good friend Debbie. Even though this paper is old, it is still one of my favourite ranges in delicate colours. I also have the mauve and the green range. They work well with heritage and baby photos.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Tuesday, February 07, 2006 0 comments
Saturday, February 04, 2006
I survived the first week back at school. I am very happy with all my classes. I am happy that craft has gone ahead for me during sport. Some have tried to block it in the past few years but hopefully it will be here to stay. I began it around 1996 and it was always so popular with the kids. I started it because there were students who couldn't play sport due to being in wheelchairs, sick or unable to play sport. By doing craft they can use their fine motor skills and develop skills that are not taught in the class but are useful when they leave school. Some of the year 10 girls who chose it want to do scrapbooking. This is very exciting.
Posted by Rose-Anne at Saturday, February 04, 2006 1 comments
Elissa Rose
In loving memory of my granddaughter Elissa Rose