I hope all the fathers out there had a nice Father's Day. We had a nice one here. I cooked a roast dinner with chicken being the meat. Melanie, Gavin, Jessica and Chloe came. Amanda was here and her friend Ben. Cooper was with his father and we missed him. There was also Brian and myself. We had a lovely family day.
Brian and I went for a walk in the morning. It was a beautiful sunny morning.
Brian asked me tonight what I wanted for dinner tomorrow night. Sausages or chops. To be honest I don't want neither. Why would I want something so plain and simple on my birthday. I thought a nice special dinner would have been nice.I suppose he has forgotten or just isn't thoughtful. He did ask me last week what I wanted for my birthday and I said not to buy me anything but I would like a nice meal out. Must have forgotten. I don't want it 2 weeks down the track as it will not be my birthday then. Melanie and Amanda are taking me out to lunch and it will not be on my birthday but that is OK as we had discussed it as Melanie and I have things on the next 3 weeks of a weekend. We will do something in the school holidays.
I will take myself out tomorrow afternoon after school for coffee and cake. I usually do that every year by myself. Hope I don't sound too "complainy" but I like to be made a fuss of on my birthday. It is the little girl in me.
Stairway to Heaven
12 hours ago
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