I have recovered from another wonderful weekend away scrapbooking with friends.
This one was at Wiseman's Ferry at a friend's place on the Hawkesbury River. There were 7 of us all weekend and a friend of Dawn's came on the Saturday. I drove there with my friend Debbie on the Friday night. We arrived in the dark. We scrapped until 1:30am and then had a good nights sleep. I slept in the car as my breathing machine is broken and I didn't want to make enemies (LOL) with my snoring. It was so cozy and comfortable.
On Saturday we did a project that Deb( from Queensland) showed us and then I started a project that Libby showed us to- these were 2 books in all. Once again it was after 1am when we went to bed. Sunday morning I showed them how to make a star book. Was so much fun making all 3 books.
We all took food and shared it and had a few wines and I had brandy. Saturday night's dinner was a bar-be-que and it was so nice. We ate like Queens.
Mackerel Sky
1 day ago
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