It has been a long time since I have written anything in here-it is called LIFE. Life has been so busy and hopefully this year I will be able to catch up a little on what I need to do.
The lead up to Christmas was very busy with school reports and school activities. Our year 10 did activity fortnight and I ran a scrapbooking day one day and it was a success. I also organised the other scrapbooking lesson and products for the other teacher and that was a lot of work. I enjoyed doing it so it wasn’t a hassle. I get a lot of enjoyment out of students-children doing craft and scrapbooking. It is good to see their creativity and if they haven’t got any or don’t believe in themselves then it is good to see it bloom.
What were also hectic were the crops and the camps that Cropworks attended. These are always fun days-weekends. Melanie and I particularly like the Christian ones because it is a good way to reach people who attend that are not Christians. Looks like this year is packed with lots to do for crops and weekends.
Then was family. Amanda’s relationship broke up. I was running around for several weeks looking for somewhere for Amanda and Cooper to rent and this wasn’t easy as there is a shortage of rental properties on the market in Sydney at the moment. I did eventually get one and Amanda and Cooper are very happy with it. Brian and I had to go up to Old Bar, which was a 5hr drive up and then another 5 hr drive back to get her belongings and some furniture. We went up on the Saturday of the 23rd December. On the Sunday we took everything over to her house because when we arrived home on the Saturday it was midnight.
Then on Christmas Day Brian and I had to drive back up the coast to his family’s Christmas Day Do. That was 2 and half hours drive each way. Lunch was around 3:30 and by this time we were well and truly over everything because we were so tired. We drove home Christmas night and then the next day drove down to Corrimal Beach and put up our camper van and sat and rested for a week. We had several seafood meals on the barbie that was good. Went to the beach twice as it wasn’t really swimming weather. I didn’t care as long as I could hear the waves and smell the salt I was happy.
Came home and did the mundane things around the house. I did spend some time with Jessica and Cooper my 2 wonderful grandchildren. Also a little time with Melanie and Amanda.
Organised a crop day at Pecky’s with a few of the regular girls. This was good because we raised $150 for Pecky’s and Glenda was happy because the money could buy the seedlings for the new vegetable garden. Pecky’s is a disabled facility and is government run. Like all government run facilities not enough money is allocated for them.
Then I went down to Melbourne for 8 days and stayed with my friend Ros with whom I have been friends for 44 years this year. We had a great week Did lots of walking, talking and sightseeing. We went to St Kilda and I bought a cake and ate it down by the bay. I do this every time I go down there because they have the best cake shops in Australia. They are continental. We went to the tennis and had a wonderful time. Ros and I also did a lot of talking about our Dave. Dave was Ros’s husband and he died from a brain tumour in 2005. Dave was a wonderful man and he is missed by both Ros and I. These talks did Ros and I a lot of good.
Now I am back at school again and this year I have a great workload. My classes are good and I am on the Gifted and Talented team at school. I am really looking forward to this year. I have an yr 12 Senior Science Class, a year 11 Biology class, Yr 10 Gifted and Talented class and a year 7 class.
Stairway to Heaven
12 hours ago
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